Sage Hero Guide

By Potato

Backpack Brawl Sage Hero


Unique Traits and Backpack

  • Poison Blood and Revenge abilities
  • Moonlit Assassin: Specializes in fast-paced execution
  • Weapons:
    • Crossbow/Arbalest: Long-range, burst damage, and debuffs with various bolts
    • Kunai and Katana: Melee revenge attacks
  • Special Backpack Items:
    • Shadow Satchel (Dark Green): Extra bolts or Mana generator when inflicting debuffs
    • Radiance Satchel (Light Green): Bolt generator, can be sold for extra Gold


  • Fast burst damage, especially effective against low-defense enemies
  • Revenge-based attacks (counters multi-hit strategies)
  • Inflicts Poison and Bleed for additional damage over time
  • Relies on critical hits from main weapons

What to Expect

  • Assassin-like gameplay
  • Quick fights
  • Punishes reckless weapon and dagger spam



Strong against burst, tempo burst, multi-weapon, and low-defense builds:

  • Chana
  • Nymphedora
  • Tink


Weak against durable-sustain playstyles and pet-based builds:

  • Ronan
  • Harkon
  • Buzz

Counterplay Against Sage

  • Build Thorns to counter Katana
  • Use Stamina Drain to limit attacks
  • Employ blocking damage (e.g., Heater Shield)
  • Apply heavy Blind effects (Sage lacks cleansing and high Luck)

Gameplay Progression

Early Game Challenges

  • Unstable progression, reliant on good item and Iron Bolt RNG
  • Struggles against durable builds, especially Ronan
  • Vulnerable to block damage from shields
  • Accuracy is crucial; missing attacks is detrimental

General Strategies

  1. Always store Bolts in Shadow Satchel
  2. Keep crossbow fully loaded with Bolts:
    • Hand Crossbow: 2 Bolts
    • Ironwood Boltcaster: 3 Bolts
    • Titanwood Repeater: 3-4 Bolts (build-dependent)
    • Arcane Bolt Blaster: 4+ Bolts
  3. Manage Stamina carefully:
    • Main Stamina sources: Banana, Apple, Endurance Potion, Wrath Potion
    • Without additional Stamina sources:
      • 1 crossbow + any weapon (< 1.15 Stamina/s)
      • 1 crossbow and 2 Autotrigger
  4. Utilize Mana consumption for extra attacks with higher-tier crossbows
  5. Use Jade or Refined Jade to achieve 100 Accuracy for starting weapons

Item Choices

Early Game (Rounds 1-8)


  • Recommended:
    • Wooden Club → Mallet: Strong, removes Thorns, reduces Armor
    • Stick → Willow Wand: Reliable ranged weapon with Mana generation
    • Fishing Rod: Mana generation and fish (aim for Pinktail, Tuna, or Willowfin)
    • Rock, Dagger → Hooked Dagger: For Bleed builds
    • Iron Bolt: Essential for crossbow builds
  • Avoid: Wooden Sword, Broom, Fisherman’s Hook (vulnerable to Thorns)

Mana Generation

  • Wizard Robe: Decent generator, provides defense and random buffs on upgrade
  • Lucky Tuna: Good stats and fast cooldown
  • Watermelon: Viable but space-inefficient


  • Spiked Shield: Effective against melee heroes
  • Heater Shield: All-purpose, but large (2x3 spaces)
  • Stunbreaker Shield: Counters stuns, improves with upgrades


  • Nightshade: Damage boost, useful for transitioning to Poison builds
  • Night Dahlia: Sustain and initial Mana
  • Water Potion: Strong against Chana, useful for later combinations
  • Consumables: Banana, Tender Sausage, Apple, Fly Agaric (good for combinations)
  • Whetstone, Jade: Useful for Katana builds
  • Ginseng Root + Wild Rose → Bloodthorn: Versatile stat boosts
  • Sash → Belt: Situational, prioritize survivability
  • Bat: Must-buy when on sale, generally helpful

Mid to Late Game (Rounds 9-21)

Bleeding Build

  • Suitable for most unique items (except Plague Ichor, Noxious Lantern)
  • Core items:
    • Crossbow + Razor Bolt
    • Throwing Hatchet / Soulstealer (with Stamina source)
    • Axe of Abraxas / Woodsman’s Axe (less optimal, needs Stamina source)
    • Fishing Harpoon / Neptune’s Wrath (with Stamina source)
    • Hooked Dagger → Scroll of Blood (top-tier for Bleed)
  • Situational:
    • Mars Flytrap + Plants: Space-intensive, consider carefully
    • Ancient Relic + Bloodthorns: Strong for countering Bleed and burst damage

Poison Build

  • Ideal for Noxious Lantern, Plague Ichor
  • Can work with Serpent Deathbolt (Bleed build still viable)
  • Key items:
    • Nightshade (save for Botulinum Potions and Belts)
    • Crossbow + Toxic Bolt or Razor Bolt (Toxic Bolt excels with Bolt Quiver)
    • Serpent’s Tongue (with Stamina source)

Mixed Debuff Build

  • Focuses on debuff damage and high base weapon damage
  • Consider Pet Collar if using pets like Boomslang or Red Widow (from Serpent Deathbolt)

General Late-Game Items

  • Essences: Magic, Life, and Speed are priority (combine for Astral Reaver if desired)
  • Holy Essence: Good but requires Mana focus
  • Death Essence: Suits Poison builds or Unholy Skull combination
  • Amethyst Pendant: Reliable Mana generator with Lifesteal
  • Frost Barrier, Gothic Shield: Solid but not game-changing
  • Stunbreaker Shield: Excellent with high-level upgrades
  • Brainsquasher: Reliable for breaking Armor/Thorns and stunning
  • Golden Tail: Provides Empower, boosting all weapon damage including Bolts