Base Stats
Every 3.8 seconds: Gain 1 . If you have at least 10 , gain 1 instead. +10% faster for every Food of another type.
- Level 3: Starting level
- Level 4: Start of combat: 4% chance to gain 5
- Level 5: Start of combat: 8% chance to gain 5
- Level 6: Start of combat: 12% chance to gain 5
- Level 7: Start of combat: 16% chance to gain 5
- Level 8: Start of combat: 20% chance to gain 5
- Level 9: Start of combat: 24% chance to gain 5
- Level 10: Start of combat: 28% chance to gain 5
- Level 11: Start of combat: 32% chance to gain 5
- Level 12: Start of combat: 36% chance to gain 5
- Level 13: Start of combat: 40% chance to gain 5
- Level 14: Start of combat: 44% chance to gain 5
- Level 15: Start of combat: 48% chance to gain 5
Unlocked at area level 3: Wizard's Shop .